Unusual places of Italy
Many tourists are sure that they are going to Italy for the opportunity to have…

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Moscow: a selection of unusual, but attractive to visit with children, places
While staying in Moscow with children, many are limited to the standard program, which includes…

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The most beautiful places of Crimea
In search of new experiences, it is not necessary to go to other countries, especially…

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Sights of Azerbaijan
Azerbaijan is a bright colorful country where European and Asian cultures are closely intertwined. It…


busy streets

The most interesting castles of the Loire Valley, France

England, Scotland, Czech Republic, Spain, Portugal, Germany, France – in all these countries there are medieval fortresses. Perhaps the most impressive are still buildings in the valley of the French river Loire.
The Last Renaissance Castle
The most interesting castles of the Loire Valley, France
Villandry fortress was built much later than its neighbors – in the XVI century. This area is famous for its Italian gardens, located on three levels. Upper – busy ponds. Continue reading

Why have children better in Miami

Miami was named that way in honor of the Mayaimi Indians living in those parts until about the 18th century. The name of the tribe is given because of the lake, which was located in this area, and in translation its name sounded like “big water”. Miami is a fairly young metropolis, and as early as the middle of the 19th century, these lands were impassable due to the presence of dense tropical forests and marshes. The settlement began only after 1860, and the opportunity to grow citrus trees served to that.
Overall, Miami is one of the best places to have a baby. Continue reading

Historical places of Crimea

The peninsula of Crimea has always been famous for its beauty. These beauties attract ordinary tourists, as well as mountain travelers. The mountain system of Crimea is one of the most beautiful and difficult to climb. On the territory of the Crimea there are many historical places. Important events took place in these places. On excursions to these historical sites, you can learn a lot of interesting things, for example, what ancient peoples inhabited the Crimean peninsula many years ago. Continue reading