Interesting facts about tourism
Each of us at least once in his busy work and everyday life was thinking…

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Places in Moscow that may surprise
Many are sure that they know all the remarkable places in Moscow: the Kremlin, Red…

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11 unusual sights of Nizhny Novgorod
Each city of Russia with its unique history has its own special sights - these…

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Interesting facts about Georgia
If after reading this article there appears a desire to visit this beautiful country -…


can try

Why have children better in Miami

Miami was named that way in honor of the Mayaimi Indians living in those parts until about the 18th century. The name of the tribe is given because of the lake, which was located in this area, and in translation its name sounded like “big water”. Miami is a fairly young metropolis, and as early as the middle of the 19th century, these lands were impassable due to the presence of dense tropical forests and marshes. The settlement began only after 1860, and the opportunity to grow citrus trees served to that.
Overall, Miami is one of the best places to have a baby. Continue reading

Positive and negative aspects of life in the United Arab Emirates

The UAE is one of the richest countries on the planet. According to statistics, 5 million people from this country account for about 60 thousand millionaires. This is quite a lot, considering that only 500 years ago there was no city in this place, but only a desert.
1. Every emigrant in the country has excellent social support. An ordinary state employee receives an average salary of about 10 thousand dollars. Each couple who marries, it turns out from the state 9 thousand dollars and a villa. By the way, if a son is born in a family, then the husband and wife receive 50 thousand dollars. Continue reading

Strange and unusual sights of Canada

Canada is a country with unusually beautiful and virgin nature, located in the north of the continent in harsh climatic conditions. This is a state that has absorbed Anglo-Saxon and French culture, as indicated by the two official languages, the division into French-speaking and English-speaking provinces. Naturally there are amazing places that are worth visiting for every lover of travel. Perhaps after studying these places you will want to visit this magnificent country, and perhaps even move.
Building of cubes – “Habitat 67” Continue reading