Positive and negative aspects of life in the United Arab Emirates
The UAE is one of the richest countries on the planet. According to statistics, 5…

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Historical places of Crimea
The peninsula of Crimea has always been famous for its beauty. These beauties attract ordinary…

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Interesting facts about Kazakhstan
Kazakhstan is a state that does not have a specific territorial affiliation to any continent.…

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Interesting facts about Tajikistan
Tajikistan is a Central Asian state, spread out under the Pamir Mountains. Once Tajikistan was…


cultural monument

11 unusual sights of Nizhny Novgorod

Each city of Russia with its unique history has its own special sights – these are unusual museums, buildings with unique architecture, interesting and sometimes strange monuments, mysterious places covered with local legends, and modern objects surprising with design and purpose. … Nizhny Novgorod with its centuries-old history was no exception, and we present to your attention its unusual sights, which are rather difficult to get around on foot, so if you are a guest in this beautiful city, of rental cars in Nizhny Novgorod for you will be a great solution. Continue reading

Rosa Khutor is the best resort in Russia

Rosa Khutor – resort complex of international class
The stunning beauty and diversity of the natural landscapes of this place make Rosa Khutor one of the most attractive places for recreation, both winter and summer. By the 2014 Winter Olympics, a full-fledged, self-sufficient resort and sports complex was built here, equipped at the level of the best world standards. Continue reading

10 beautiful resorts of Russia

The vast territory of the Russian Federation, the climatic features of individual regions contribute to the fact that compatriots (and foreign guests) are provided with unique conditions for a pleasant and rewarding holiday. The variety of options is striking, starting with modern, cozy beach resorts, not inferior to European ones, and ending with “exotic” beaches, almost at the end of the world (Arctic Ocean), today we will present only TOP-10 according to our site.
Taman Peninsula, Krasnodar Territory Continue reading