The most unusual tours of the world
The modern tourist makes special demands on excursion programs. Just walking around the picturesque corners…

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Top 10 New Year Holiday Countries
Today, more and more people prefer to spend money on travel, because the emotions from…

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Top 10 New Year Holiday Countries
Today, more and more people prefer to spend money on travel, because the emotions from…

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Top 10 New Year Holiday Countries
Today, more and more people prefer to spend money on travel, because the emotions from…



Interesting facts about Georgia

If after reading this article there appears a desire to visit this beautiful country – do not forget to contact the directory of enterprises and organizations of the country, where you can familiarize yourself with the price list for the services of these enterprises.
1. Sakartvelo – the Georgians call their country that way. This word comes from the name of the people who lived in the territory of present-day Georgia – Kartvels. The word “Georgia” came to the Russian language in the XVII-XVIII centuries, from the Arabic “Gurdzhistan”. Continue reading