Fascinating journey around Astana (Kazakhstan)
Astana can be safely called Central Asian Dubai, because that's what they have been called…

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Interesting facts about tourism
Each of us at least once in his busy work and everyday life was thinking…

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Sights of the Far East
Mixed oriental culture, amazing virgin nature and the special atmosphere of the “edge of the…

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Historical places of Crimea
The peninsula of Crimea has always been famous for its beauty. These beauties attract ordinary…


real masterpiece

Historical places of Crimea

The peninsula of Crimea has always been famous for its beauty. These beauties attract ordinary tourists, as well as mountain travelers. The mountain system of Crimea is one of the most beautiful and difficult to climb. On the territory of the Crimea there are many historical places. Important events took place in these places. On excursions to these historical sites, you can learn a lot of interesting things, for example, what ancient peoples inhabited the Crimean peninsula many years ago. Continue reading

What to see in Ryazan?

Ryazan is one of the oldest cities in Central Russia. It is believed that a populous settlement existed here from the XII century, and the first stone churches appeared in the XIV-XV centuries. The Ryazan Kremlin is an ancient fortress and one of the main attractions of the city is an open-air museum with ancient temples and a princely courtyard.
No less interesting are the picturesque museums-estates of the famous natives of the Ryazan land: the poet S. A. Yesenin and the academician I. P. Pavlov. Also, tourists are sure to enjoy the magnificent gothic building of the stud and the fabulous estate of the von Derviz family, as if transferred to Ryazan from the expanses of Austria-Hungary. Continue reading