Rosa Khutor is the best resort in Russia
Rosa Khutor - resort complex of international class The stunning beauty and diversity of the…

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10 beautiful resorts of Russia
The vast territory of the Russian Federation, the climatic features of individual regions contribute to…

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17 wonders of Montenegro
Montenegro is a small Balkan country whose population barely exceeds half a million people. Despite…

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Sights of Dresden
Dresden is one of the oldest and most beautiful cities in Germany, which is visited…


unpleasant penalty

Positive and negative aspects of life in the United Arab Emirates

The UAE is one of the richest countries on the planet. According to statistics, 5 million people from this country account for about 60 thousand millionaires. This is quite a lot, considering that only 500 years ago there was no city in this place, but only a desert.
1. Every emigrant in the country has excellent social support. An ordinary state employee receives an average salary of about 10 thousand dollars. Each couple who marries, it turns out from the state 9 thousand dollars and a villa. By the way, if a son is born in a family, then the husband and wife receive 50 thousand dollars. Continue reading