Fascinating journey around Astana (Kazakhstan)
Astana can be safely called Central Asian Dubai, because that's what they have been called…

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The most beautiful places of Crimea
In search of new experiences, it is not necessary to go to other countries, especially…

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Strange and unusual sights of Canada
Canada is a country with unusually beautiful and virgin nature, located in the north of…

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The most interesting castles of the Loire Valley, France
England, Scotland, Czech Republic, Spain, Portugal, Germany, France - in all these countries there are…


Usually men

Positive and negative aspects of life in the United Arab Emirates

The UAE is one of the richest countries on the planet. According to statistics, 5 million people from this country account for about 60 thousand millionaires. This is quite a lot, considering that only 500 years ago there was no city in this place, but only a desert.
1. Every emigrant in the country has excellent social support. An ordinary state employee receives an average salary of about 10 thousand dollars. Each couple who marries, it turns out from the state 9 thousand dollars and a villa. By the way, if a son is born in a family, then the husband and wife receive 50 thousand dollars. Continue reading