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Positive and negative aspects of life in the United Arab Emirates

The UAE is one of the richest countries on the planet. According to statistics, 5 million people from this country account for about 60 thousand millionaires. This is quite a lot, considering that only 500 years ago there was no city in this place, but only a desert.
1. Every emigrant in the country has excellent social support. An ordinary state employee receives an average salary of about 10 thousand dollars. Each couple who marries, it turns out from the state 9 thousand dollars and a villa. By the way, if a son is born in a family, then the husband and wife receive 50 thousand dollars.
2. In the UAE there are a large number of laws that are strictly forbidden to violate. Residents and visiting tourists are prohibited from throwing trash on the roadway, hitchhiking, shooting Arab girls and government buildings, as well as certain attractions. Under the strictest ban is the transportation of alcoholic beverages, as well as their drinking.
Positive and negative aspects of life in the United Arab Emirates
3. The UAE provides excellent conditions for the development of their business. This, of course, no taxes, a competitive economy, very low import rates and a very good position on the world map. If you are in this country it is easy to get access to many international markets: China, Africa, other Asian countries. Therefore, we must not hesitate, and decide. Even registering a business in the UAE is not a problem, since, for example, the Brahma Business Consultancy company will provide a full range of consulting services in the UAE and beyond.
4. The news is not allowed to tell the details of the lives of the sheikhs. In addition, it is not allowed to disclose facts from the lives of wealthy residents of the UAE. This ban is imposed on social networks. It is forbidden to go to them, because there is a lot of negative information that residents of the country can read.
5. If in other countries they like to put on horse racing, then camel racing is held in honor in this country. An interesting fact: camels are not controlled by humans, but by robots. Even residents of the UAE love to ride a jeep in the desert.
6. Residents of the country are very fond of gold, so every year more than 38 grams of this precious metal is purchased per resident. If a guy wants to make an offer to his bride, then he should give her more than 5 kg of gold. Of course, we should not forget that the girl does not decide who will be her narrowed. Her father and mother decide for her. If a girl is caught for an extra-marital affair, she will have to pay a fine or serve 3 months in prison. Sometimes the punishment can be even more severe. It happened that a girl was stoned to death. In the country, you can marry several girls at once, but this is far from affordable for everyone.
7. As for transport, it is customary to travel separately among girls and men. By the way, the same rules in India. Usually men ride in one train carriage, and girls in another. The same applies to the bus, as well as a taxi.
8. On the streets only strict clothing is acceptable. All Muslim women must wear a burqa. If on the street there is a girl without this outfit, then, most likely, she is just visiting tourist. Muslims tolerate visiting girls, although overly revealing attire can impose an unpleasant penalty. If a girl walks around the city without a man, then the chances of a fine increase significantly.
9. In the UAE celebrate Ramadan. This is a great holiday, during which all believers stop eating and drinking during the day. When a great holiday takes place, visitors are not allowed to eat and drink beverages on the streets of populated areas so that fasting residents of the country would not see the temptation. In restaurants and cafes, where it is allowed to eat and drink during the holiday, the windows are specially closed so that the room cannot be seen from the street. If during the day believers are not allowed to eat and drink, then at night this prohibition does not exist.
10. The United Arab Emirates faces unbearable heat, but there is also a ski resort here, which tourists from all countries love to visit. SkiDubai is located in the Arabian desert.