Top 25 best places in the world to travel
1. Marrakesh in Morocco has become number 1 on the list of the best places…

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Interesting facts about Kazakhstan
Kazakhstan is a state that does not have a specific territorial affiliation to any continent.…

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The most interesting castles of the Loire Valley, France
England, Scotland, Czech Republic, Spain, Portugal, Germany, France - in all these countries there are…

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Interesting facts about Kazakhstan
Kazakhstan is a state that does not have a specific territorial affiliation to any continent.…


Top 10 New Year Holiday Countries

Today, more and more people prefer to spend money on travel, because the emotions from traveling to new cities and localities are invaluable and often amazingly unforgettable. On the eve of the New Year holidays we publish an inspiring selection of the most unique countries in the world. By the way, have you already decided where to go for the New 2019?
1. Iceland.
The uniqueness of this country in combination on its territory of smoking volcanoes and hot geysers with eternal ice. When planning a trip, it is important to look at the most interesting places: the Blue and Ice Lagoons and Geysers.
The Blue Lagoon is a natural complex of pools among lava heaps. The water in the lagoon is, and in its composition, in addition to sea salt, there is quartz and blue-green algae.
The ice lagoon is also incredibly beautiful! This is one of the few places in Iceland where you can see the life of icebergs at close range: new icebergs break away from the glacier and fill the lake, drift along the coast in winter and melt in summer.
They are of different colors: white, green, blue, etc. And you can see the raging geysers of Iceland by going to the Haukadalur Valley. Its symbols are the geysers Strokkur and Geysir, erupting with different frequency and power.
For example, Strokkur throws streams of hot water every ten minutes to a height of up to 20 meters, but Geysir is calmer.
2. Tanzania
The most interesting country in Africa in terms of diversity and uniqueness of flora and fauna. Which country is still rich in such natural values: 15 national parks, 17 reservations, lakes, mountains, including Kilimanjaro, the giant Ngorongoro crater.
It is here, in the crater of the Ngorongoro reserve – a huge tropical park, there live more than 30 thousand animals: buffaloes, zebras, gazelles, leopards, wildebeest, lions, meet elephants, hippos and rhinos.
White and black rhinos are an endangered species in the world.
Also in Tanzania, there is the only vegetable plant in Kitulu National Park in tropical Africa. Because of the variety of colors: more than 350 species of plants, and more than 40 species of orchids, it is rightly called the “Garden of God.”
In addition to orchids in the park there are giant lobelia, bookoffs, proteas, and other plants. Kitulu Park is also the only habitat in Tanzania for the rare Kaffir African bustard.
3. In Japan, everything is unique! This is the first country on the planet, over which the sun rises. Japan fascinates the whole world with centuries-old traditions, which the people still carefully respect and to this day, and at the same time, innovative technologies.
Here the amazing nature and the incredible diversity of flora and fauna, as for such a small country. There are about 30 national parks in a small territory of the state, and about 40 protected zones in the coastal waters.
The most interesting reserve Nikko, an area of ​​1400 square meters. km On its territory there are waterfalls, and lakes, and , as well as historical buildings, including sanctuaries.
And in the Ise-Sima National Park is located the most famous pearl farm – Mikimoto. On the Izu Peninsula, you can immediately admire the five lakes surrounded by coniferous forests and swim in the hot springs of Hakone.
Only on the Japanese island of Okunoshima you can get into the rabbit kingdom, where there are a lot of them on the streets. Or watch the foxes in the village of Dzao in Miyagi Prefecture. And only in Japan you can cheaply stay in a capsule hotel.
4. Canada
– a country of millions of lakes. There are so many of them that the exact number is unknown, but about 4 million is about 60% of all the lakes in the world.
In some regions for every 100 square meters. km accounts for more than 30 lakes.
Garibaldi, Moraine, Peito, Azur, Red Lake, which owes its color to the presence of red algae, the spotty Lake Kliluk and many others.
It is important to note the value and peculiarity of the Canadian city of Quebec, which is in many ways unique, thanks to the heritage of the French regarding architecture.
Its forests, national parks and reserves and the unique fjords of the Saguenay River are magnificent. And in Quebec there is a unique ice hotel, which is ready to receive guests in 36 rooms from the beginning of January to the end of April.
Every year, 15 tons of snow and 500 tons of ice are spent on its construction. It is important to say that each of the Canadian regions is unique and can demonstrate something special.
5. The Principality of Monaco, if you do not take into account the Vatican, is the smallest country on the planet. The state, with an area of ​​2 km ?, is located in southern Europe on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea.
Monaco has the highest population density on the planet – about 20 thousand people per 1 km ?. Besides the fact that this tiny country is beautiful, it is in many ways unique.
Below are some of the uniqueness of Monaco. The Oceanographic Museum is a place where one of the richest collections of exhibits dedicated to the life of the sea and its inhabitants is collected. And since the museum is united with the Oceanographic Institute, it is also the world’s largest scientific institution. Monaco also hosts one of the most prestigious Formula 1 World Championship races. The race passes through the streets of the city, which at this time are equipped with stands and fences.
The main station of the city is located underground, or more precisely, in the rock. It is impossible not to mention the luxurious rose garden of Princess Grace, built in honor of Grace Kelly, and the beautiful lawn alley – Alla de Boulingren, which is located opposite the Monte-Carlo casino.
– This is the only country that is a continent, and occupies several islands. And not only this is special: there are deserts, lush meadows, and huge beaches with white sand and clear water.
Despite the fact that the country is rapidly developing and expanding megacities, its unique nature is preserved.
Only in Australia you can find kangaroos, certain species of spiders and snakes, and on the Barrier Reef visit the huge marine park. It is very interesting to watch in the spring, as for several days the Great Barrier Reef turns into an active whirlpool, and after the tide, it begins to erupt.
A special miracle in Australia is the Great Barrier Reef – a coral complex more than three thousand kilometers long. Nothing can compare with its coral gardens, which are iridescent with pink, purple, green, yellow and blue flowers.
It is worth seeing! Here tropical fish swim, there are mysterious caves, and a unique flora. By the way, Australia is considered the only country that, being in the eastern hemisphere, is considered to be an absolutely western state.
7. Feature of the Netherlands – this is gorgeous, large-scale, multi-colored fields of tulips. Moreover, despite the fact that they are the main ones, narcissuses, hyacinths, crocuses and other flowers grow separately in the fields.
In order to freely admire the floral paradise, it is necessary to allocate a day or two, and look at the flowers in Leiden, as well as ride through the fields: there are many of them from Leiden to Haarlem. And, of course, you need to visit the Keukenhof Park, located on 32 hectares of land, which is famous not only in the Netherlands for its flowers and large tulip fields.
This is a fantastically beautiful and fragrant garden, where about seven million flowers are planted every year.
In his gardens and four pavilions unique collections of tulips, hyacinths, daffodils, orchids, roses, carnations, irises, lilies and other flowers are shown. Park compositions change annually, they have a certain subject and they are dedicated to a specific country. Nowhere else in the world can you find so many flowers in one place.
8. India
unique in its contrasts in many ways, so after visiting it hardly anyone can remain indifferent. It is associated with a distinctive culture, bright clothes, beautiful dances, the smell of spices and spices.
This is a country where wealth and poverty, chaos and tranquility, reality and legends are combined. She and the climatic conditions in full contrast: the South of the country is rich in chic tropical forests, in the West there is a desert, and in the North there are glaciers.
In terms of architecture, in picturesque India there are many historically valuable attractions that “broadcast” on the rich history and diversity of the country: for example, many Hindu and Buddhist temples were carved into the rocks.
There are also many attractions in India that are considered objects of UNESCO World Heritage: Ajanta cave temples, Ellora cave temples, Taj Mahal, numerous unique churches in the city of Goa, Hampi monuments, Qutub Minar, etc.
– This is the largest island nation in the world: about 18,000, of which only 7,000 have their own names. The largest of the islands are New Guinea, Kalimantan, Sumatra, Sulawesi and Java, and all the other islands are much smaller.
For large islands characterized by a combination of mountainous terrain with plains covered with dense tropical rain forests. On many islands, the mountain slopes rise steeply almost from the coast and end with peaks.
One of the natural features of Indonesia is that many islands are covered with snow, despite being close to the equator. Indonesia can also be considered a country of volcanoes: there are more than 500 of them, and 129 are active. The island of Java is especially famous for its numerous volcanoes.
And the most famous volcano in Indonesia – Krakatau, which is located between the islands of Java and Sumatra. The largest are Rinjani in Lombok and Agun in Bali.
10. The uniqueness of Bolivia is that it can be called the most mountainous country, and in its isolation from the world. No wonder her styled “Tibet of America.”
Unfortunately, the country has lost access to the Pacific Ocean as a result of the war with Chile, so now it is in the middle of the continent. Here is the highest mountain actual capital – La Paz.

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