Top 10 places to travel in China
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Interesting facts about tourism
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Interesting facts about tourism
Each of us at least once in his busy work and everyday life was thinking…


Interesting facts about Tajikistan

Tajikistan is a Central Asian state, spread out under the Pamir Mountains. Once Tajikistan was part of the Soviet Union, and the echoes of the Soviet heritage are felt even now. However, a fair share of Tajikistan is not very densely populated, and people still live there in a simple and natural life, far from the hectic modern civilization.
1. Tajikistan is the smallest state in Central Asia. Almost the entire territory of this country (about 93%) is covered by mountains.
2. The first state formations in the modern territory of Tajikistan appeared before our era, they were called Bactria and Sogdiana.
3. One of the largest silver deposits in the world is located in the north of Tajikistan.
4. In Tajikistan, especially in rural areas, eyebrows accreted on the bridge of nose are an important sign of female beauty – some Tajik women even paint over the area between the eyebrows.
5. Tajikistan is not only a country, but also one of the minor planets of the solar system. The celestial body, rotating 250 million kilometers from Earth, got its name for the contribution of Tajik scientists to the development of astrophysics.
6. In 2011, the highest flagpole in the world was installed in the center of the capital, Dushanbe, which took several years to design. The height of the construction of 12 metal pipes is 165 meters. The length of the national flag posted on it is 60 meters, and the weight is over 700 kilograms.
7. In Tajikistan, there is a stunningly beautiful Iskanderkul Lake (“Alexander Lake”), the color of which water constantly changes shades. This water body was named in honor of Alexander the Great – according to legend, a settlement met on the way of the great conqueror, whose residents refused to surrender. Then he ordered to redirect the riverbed to the village and flood it. So there was a lake.
8. The water of the hot springs of Garm Chashma, as the locals assure, has miraculous properties and can cure many diseases.
9. The Nurek Hydroelectric Power Plant was included in the Guinness Book of Records as the world’s highest dam – its height is 304 meters, that is, it is above the Eiffel Tower.
10. Government officials in Tajikistan are not allowed to have gold teeth.
11. Not far from the Boljuvansky region of the country, archaeologists unearthed the unique sites of Neanderthals and stone tools, 850 thousand years old.
12. Mount Khuja Mumin, a unique monument of nature, consists entirely of the purest salt of different colors – gray, pink and turquoise. These reserves are able to provide all of humanity with salt for several centuries.
13. In the Pamirs, at an altitude of 2320 meters above sea level, the Pamir Botanical Garden is divided, in which more than 20 thousand plants from all over the globe are collected.
14. In the south of Tajikistan there is an ancient place called Childduhtaron, which translates as “Valley of 40 girls”. Legend has it that the forty boulders standing there were once young beauties who chose to turn to stone in order not to become invaders’ concubines. In spring, these stones are decorated with flowers and ribbons.
15. The word “Dushanbe” in translation from the Tajik language means “Monday”.
16. According to the current law on education, schoolchildren, students, teachers and teachers are prohibited from carrying their mobile phones.
17. In Tajikistan, it is permissible to woo even newborn children – in this case, their mothers, while reading the prayers, break the cake and put the kids together with a special ribbon.
18. At the wedding, the newlyweds decided to give suzani – this is a special cover that will protect the young couple from evil spirits and the evil eye.

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