10 best places to visit Italy
Many famous artists and outstanding scientists were born and raised in Italy. A huge number…

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Interesting facts about Estonia
Estonia is a country in Northern Europe, most of which has been occupied. Many centuries…

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Interesting facts about Estonia
Estonia is a country in Northern Europe, most of which has been occupied. Many centuries…

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Unusual places of Tver
princedom, played no less a role than Moscow: the power-loving and cunning local princes, rivals…


Sights of Karachay-Cherkessia

The ridges of the Greater Caucasus, the Marukh and Klukhorsky passes, the beauty of snowy peaks, the transience of mountain rivers, flowering meadows and plains, is the republic of Karachay-Cherkessia. Once here, you can not deny yourself in sightseeing, and, believe me, there is something to see! You can visit Barloga’s Throat and the Sophia Valley, the mysterious city of Adijuh, the Shaoninsky temple located on a high peak, the Caucasus Biosphere Reserve, and other unique places. The charm, originality and uniqueness of the monuments of Kabardino-Cherkessia will be remembered for a long time!
Honey Waterfalls
Russia, Karachay-Cherkess Republic, near the village Kommunstroy
Passing from the “Castle of deceit and love” along the gorge of 6-7 kilometers, you can see the cliffs from which the so-called Honey waterfalls fall. There are really gorgeous places. Mountain streams and small rivers form several gorgeous waterfalls. They are all so different, that it is affirmative to say which of them is more beautiful and complicated.
Mount Elbrus is considered the highest mountain in Russia, but this is not its main feature. Over the course of many centuries, legends and tales are told about Elbrus
Alans is an ancient people that existed from the beginning of our era and up to the fourteenth century. This wise people is known throughout Europe and to the Caucasus. Glory about them was throughout Western Europe, the people who spoke Iranian, who was ready to teach and the Germans horse fights
Biosphere reserve in the Caucasus is considered one of the first in Russia. Once there were hunting grounds, where the great princes liked to hunt. Appeared reserve only during the Soviet era in 1924. The environmental organization decided to create a protected area in these picturesque places to preserve populations of unique animals and to protect forests from logging
The gorge of the Amanauz River is striking in its beauty and variety of natural attractions. This is the source of the Caucasian Teberda River. Every year, numerous tourists come to this region to see all this magnificence with their own eyes.
For those who prefer to relax on the sandy beaches – a trip to the Sofia Valley will be just too tough. This place is only suitable for hardy, purposeful and nature-loving people.
This waterfall is formed due to the powerful streams of the Chuchhur River, which flows from the Chuchhursky Gorge to the Dombay-Ulgen Gorge. At the same time, the waterfall has several cascades.
On the banks of the Kuban River, not far from Karachayevsk, is the oldest Christian temple, built in the 10th century. The temple of Soanoi is a unique landmark of Karachay-Cherkessia – a temple towering on a mountain slope and being an ancient monument of architecture and history
One of the most mysterious and interesting tourist places in Karachay-Cherkessia is the ancient city and the Adiyuh watchtower. The settlement was founded in 7-8 centuries AD a few kilometers from the place where the village of Khabez is now located on the high bank of the Maly Zelenchuk River
Barlog’s throat is an amazing place in Karachay-Cherkessia, but despite all the inconveniences caused by high humidity, cliffs and deep wells – it’s worth a visit.

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Sights that are not noticeable on the background of similar, but more popular
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17 wonders of Montenegro
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