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Interesting facts about Kazakhstan

Kazakhstan is a state that does not have a specific territorial affiliation to any continent. This means that most of its territory is in Asia, a smaller part – in Europe. At the same time, Kazakhstan is the ninth in the list of countries of the world by area and belongs to super-large states. But this is only general information, and today I would like to talk about the most unusual facts of this amazing country, if after reading you want to visit Kazakhstan, then first I suggest looking at the catalog of Kazakhstan companies to know in advance where to stop, eat and of course walk.
In the country there is a legal ban on the use of alcohol and smoking in public places, attempts are being made to ban hookahs. In addition, it is forbidden to sell strong alcoholic beverages from nine o’clock in the evening until noon.
In 1998, Astana became Kazakhstan’s capital instead of Almaty. This resulted in a conflict that continues to this day between the residents of the old and the new capitals, who are trying to decide which city is more important. By the way, the word “Astana” in Kazakh means “capital”.
The first and concurrently the largest cosmodrome on the planet – Baikonur located in Kazakhstan. From here, Yuri Gagarin made his space flight, in addition, the first artificial satellite in the world was launched from Baikonur.
The Kazakh alphabet is Cyrillic, it has 42 letters, 33 of them are similar to the letters in the Russian alphabet, and the remaining 9 are specific symbols of the Kazakh language. It should be mentioned that in different periods of time for the Kazakh language used various written systems: first Arabic, then Latin and Cyrillic.
Kazakh language is known for its constant word formation. More recently, the term “galamptor”, meaning “Internet”, has come into use.
If during your trip to Kazakhstan your car will be stopped by a police officer, you should not leave it without an inspector’s instructions, a penalty will be imposed for this. It is impossible not to get out of the car, if the police officer asks for it – for this, too, fined.
Having studied the Kazakh language, Kyrgyz, Uzbek, Mongolian, Turkish and Azeri languages ​​can be easily understood.
Among all the countries that do not have access to the global ocean, Kazakhstan is the largest.
Interesting facts about Kazakhstan
Kazakhstanis hold the leading position in terms of tea consumption, an average of 1.2 kilograms of tea per year per capita. For example, in India, only 650 grams of tea per capita per year.
The Kazakhstan steppes are on the World Heritage List compiled by UNESCO.
Kazakhstan Lake Balkhash is the second largest among all undying salt lakes. At the same time only 50% of the lake water is salty, another 50% of it is fresh water. Scientists have not managed to unravel this phenomenon.
Construction of the Almaty Metro continued for twenty-three years.
The Kazakh-Russian border is the longest of all land borders.
Kazakhstan is the owner of the tallest stack in the world.
Korgalzhinsky reserve is the northernmost place on our planet where pink flamingos are found, their number in the reserve is from 25,000 to 35,000 individuals.
Traveling in the Kazakh steppes, you will find a large number of wild camels and horses.
It is Kazakhstan that holds the first place in the world in the production of washcloths.
Many Kazakhstan settlements have changed their former names. The villages were usually simply renamed, and with the cities they acted somewhat differently, adapting their names to the norms of the Kazakh language. So Kokchetav became Kokshetau, Semipalatinsk – Semey, and Kostanay – Kostanay.
A few years ago, the Kazakh president proposed renaming the country as “? Aza? Eli”, thus getting rid of the Turkic ending “camp”, he said, badly affecting the image of the state in the world, in particular – causing associations with unstable countries of the Central Asian region.
In the capital of Kazakhstan – Astana, you will not see neglected pets, but you will be able to meet muskrats, hares and owls.