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Sights of Dresden

Dresden is one of the oldest and most beautiful cities in Germany, which is visited by tens of thousands of tourists from all over the world each year to see the sights. During the Second World War, Dresden was virtually wiped out by the bombing of Allied aviation. After the end of hostilities, Dresden was rebuilt and architects were able to restore in it the incredible spirit of antiquity inherent in this place. In this article we will tell you about the main attractions that you should visit when visiting Dresden.
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Sights of Dresden
This name is a complex of palace buildings and parks, which was built in the 18-19 centuries. The decision to build these objects was made during the reign of Augustus the Strong. Impressed by the magnificence of Versailles, this ruler commanded to build in their lands no less beautiful structures, which was done. Of course, the Zwinger was badly damaged during the air attacks of 1945, but by now it has been restored to its almost original appearance, and now it is one of the main attractions of Dresden.
The art museum of the city of Dresden got its name from the name of King Albert, who was a great connoisseur of art. Initially, its premises were used for the needs of municipal services. For a while it housed an arsenal, later the archive of the city. Since the end of the 19th century, this museum displays works by artists created in the styles of romanticism and impressionism. In addition to paintings in Albertinum is a beautiful collection of sculptures.
Old Masters Gallery
This tourist site is located on the territory of the Zwinger, about which we spoke above. This gallery exhibits the greatest artistic masterpieces dating back to the Renaissance. Fortunately, the paintings exhibited in it during the war were evacuated before the start of air raids and for this reason they were able to be preserved. It should be noted that the exported canvases were kept in the vaults of the museums of the Soviet Union and were betrayed to the German side in 1955.
Residence of the Kings in Dresden
Since the 13th century, this castle was the residence of the rulers of Saxony. Initially it was a rather modest tower, but during its existence it was rebuilt more than once in accordance with the requirements of architectural innovations. Its current look, which includes many baroque elements, was formed by the end of the 19th century.
The religious building of the 18th century was built by the architect G. Beer. It was dedicated to the Virgin Mary and, in fact, bears the appropriate name – the temple of the Virgin Mary. In 1945, the building was completely destroyed and in this state stood until the end of the 80s of the twentieth century. Since the 1990s, a large group of restorers has come to grips with the restoration of this cultural monument, and, starting in 2005, the church has been open to the public.
This cathedral was also erected in the 18th century and was originally used as a church for the family of the rulers of Saxony. Here, in the crypt, the Saxon electors and their families were buried. After the war, the cathedral was opened to visitors only in 1962.
“Procession of Princes”
On the twenty-five thousand plates of porcelain were depicted all the rulers of the Wettin dynasty, who ruled Saxony. This unique panel was almost not subjected to destruction during the hostilities of 1945 and still visitors get real pleasure from seeing this miracle of the masters of the past.
Castles on the banks of the Elbe
In the 19th century, three castles were erected on the banks of the River Elbe. It should be noted that these buildings did not have the character of buildings for the needs of defense. In the twentieth century, they were used as hotels, headquarters of various organizations and exhibition halls. The parks that surround these buildings are open for public visits of visitors and residents of the city.
Bastei Bridge
At the beginning of the 19th century, this structure was built over the Elbe and its height is 195 meters. It was built in the style of aqueducts of ancient Rome and from it you can in all its glory see views of the river valley and its surrounding rocks. No wonder this place is called “Saxon Switzerland”.
Loshvitsky Bridge
This tourist site is also called the “Blue Miracle”. It connects the urban areas Lošnice and Blazewitz. For its time, and it was the second half of the 19th century, the design of the bridge was quite original. Its author was B. Kruger. Despite his advanced years, the bridge is still in excellent condition and is actively used by residents of the city.