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17 wonders of Montenegro
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Rosa Khutor is the best resort in Russia

Rosa Khutor – resort complex of international class
The stunning beauty and diversity of the natural landscapes of this place make Rosa Khutor one of the most attractive places for recreation, both winter and summer. By the 2014 Winter Olympics, a full-fledged, self-sufficient resort and sports complex was built here, equipped at the level of the best world standards.
According to some reports, the construction of resort, tourist, sports and infrastructure facilities for this complex cost approximately $ 60 billion. During the Olympic Games, competitions in ski disciplines and snowboarding were held here. Almost all sports facilities after the end of the Olympics are maintained in proper condition and continue to function properly. Now they are available to anyone.
The Olympic Village (where more than 3,000 athletes from different countries were living at a time in the Games) was transformed into a hotel and resort complex. Anyone can freely book a room here for themselves (and their satellites). There are not so many ski resorts in the world where you can relax all year round and Rosa Khutor is one of them. Here you can have a great time at any time of the year, including the summer season.
Rose Peak
This is the highest point on which vacationers can climb with the help of lifts. It is located on one of the peaks of the Caucasus, height – 2320 m. From sea level. You can get here on a comfortable gondola lift “Olympia”. On the way, passengers will cross a wide (almost a kilometer) gorge on a gondola and will be able to appreciate the beautiful views of the Caucasus. And just a rest on the “Rose Farm” is available 21 lifting device, of various types.
Great impressions and unique photos guaranteed! At this height it is much cooler than below, here you can take a break from the summer heat, leave each other with snowballs, make a snowman. But it is recommended to dress warmly. Roses Peak is equipped with a viewing platform, from where a colorful panorama of the surroundings opens.
To go back down, you can also use the lift, but many prefer to walk down the specially laid and equipped paths. During the descent, you can have a small picnic, since the prices in the high-mountain cafe “resort” and taking with you a few sandwiches and a bottle of drinking water, you can save a lot. Also, it is highly desirable to take care of the availability of a camera or camcorder.
This observation deck is much lower, 1350 m above the sea. The temperature here is about the same as on the coast (maybe a little cooler). You can get here by chair lift “Wolf Rock”. The length of the ascent route is almost one and a half kilometers. In hot weather, it is even more comfortable to climb in a chair than in a gondola, since on the way there is a light breeze from the mountains. The route of this lift is laid on relatively low supports, so even people who are afraid of great heights get pleasure from such a journey. The only inconvenience – during the rise, you can lose Panama or shale, so it is better to remove them in advance.
“Rose Plateau”
It is here at 1170 meters above sea level that the mountainous part of the Olympic Village is located. Now there is a full-fledged and self-sufficient resort and entertainment complex with all related establishments: hotels, cafes, snack bars and restaurants, playgrounds, rental centers for mountain bikes and ATVs, etc.
The objects are decorated with the flags of all countries whose athletes participated in the Olympic Games. The central square regularly serves as an arena for performances by artists, both local stars and stars of all-Russian and international scale. You can admire beautiful mountain landscapes from almost anywhere, and the Olympic Biathlon Stadium is perfectly visible from one of the slopes.
“Rose Valley”
This observation deck (560 meters above the sea) is remarkable for the fact that from it the entire Krasnaya Polyana is almost perfectly visible. Here is the railway station “Rosa Khutor” and a remarkable architectural object – the Town Hall with a huge clock. It will be nice to walk along the embankment. Mzymta carrying its waters to the sea. It is not difficult to find a hotel for every taste and budget. Of course, other objects of the resort and entertainment infrastructure are also abundant here, and even in the establishments of the budget price category, the service is organized at a good level.