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Interesting facts about Barcelona

Barcelona is one of the most famous Spanish cities, which can easily compete with even Madrid. Nevertheless, Barcelona is very different from the capital of the state – a different location, culture and customs. Barcelona is a very attractive place for tourists, despite the fact that the bustling life here is unusual for most foreigners.
1. The population density in the capital of Catalonia is approximately 16 thousand people per square meter. km For example, in Moscow this indicator is much lower, at least 3 times.
2. Barcelona has always been famous for its architecture. In many ways, this is the merit of a talented man – Antonio Gaudi. In particular, it was he who had a hand in creating the project of the Sagrada Familia. This shrine is rightfully not only one of the “business cards” of the city, but also perhaps the most ambitious protracted in the world. Its construction will be completed only after 8-10 years. If, after reading this article, you have an excessive desire to visit the sights of Barcelona, ​​including the Sagrada Familia.
3. On the main avenue of the city – La Rambla, there are still peculiar traces of the heels of the shoes of girls of easy virtue, who worked freely in the old days.
4. On the wall of one of the temples of Barcelona is depicted an “interesting quadrilateral”, inside which are numbers. People with mathematical abilities may notice that the sum of these numbers is always the same – 33, regardless of the direction of the calculations.
5. On the windows of the temple of Santa Maria del Mar, emblazoned coat of arms of the local football team. This is quite understandable, because the leaders of the football club were directly involved in the restoration of the church, providing impressive financial assistance.
6. Even today, when it is impossible to imagine human life without modern technology, old traffic lights are preserved in Barcelona. In particular, on the street Comte Urgell you can see the most ancient traffic lights, installed here in the distant 1929.
7. After the development of the American continent, the famous discoverer Columbus moored just off the coast of Barcelona in order to quickly tell his monarchs about his successes. This is probably why a monument was erected in the center of the Spanish city to the mariner. It is noteworthy that the gaze of the statue is not directed towards America, although the original idea of ​​the sculptors was completely different. The monument is distinguished by outstanding dimensions, so tourists often use the elevator to climb to its top.
8. The largest port located on the coast. Mediterranean is located in Barcelona. This is one of the most ancient sea harbors, which successfully took ships 2 thousand years ago.
9. Barcelona is a resort city, but local authorities started to engage in the arrangement of beaches not long ago. So, before the entire coastline has been successfully used by industrial enterprises.
10. The city’s anthem is a joint creation of Freddie Mercury and Montserrat Caballe, who invented a wonderful composition shortly before the opening of the Olympics.
11. There is a kind of sign near the Fountain of Canaletes, which says: “Everyone who has tried the water from here will definitely return to Barcelona again.” Argued that such a statement is true.
12. Before the beginning of the holiday season, sand on urban beaches is always sifted.
13. The Barcelona Opera House is well known throughout the European continent. It is noteworthy that the old theater building almost completely burned down 25 years ago, but it was quickly restored with donations from caring Spaniards. Many cultural workers who organized charity concerts also received financial assistance.
14. Cult artist Picasso really wanted his works to be made available to the general public in the capital of Catalonia. This request of the genius was successfully granted.
15. The local “Camp Nou” stadium, which received the first fans in the last century, even today will be a worthy competitor to any European arena. Its stands are capable of receiving more than 100 thousand spectators at the same time.
16. In the zoo of Barcelona once lived Snowball – the only male of the albino gorilla. After himself, he left an impressive offspring, but among the relatives, unfortunately, there was not a single individual with a light coat color.
17. In Barcelona, ​​there is the so-called “window of orphans.” This is a specific institution where low-income parents could leave their children, who were later taken under the care of nuns.

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