11 unusual sights of Nizhny Novgorod
Each city of Russia with its unique history has its own special sights - these…

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11 unusual sights of Nizhny Novgorod
Each city of Russia with its unique history has its own special sights - these…

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Interesting facts about Estonia
Estonia is a country in Northern Europe, most of which has been occupied. Many centuries…

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Unusual places of Tver
princedom, played no less a role than Moscow: the power-loving and cunning local princes, rivals…


because there

Interesting facts about Paris

Paris has always been and will be a city – a dream. Everything is beautiful and romantic here. There is almost no one in the world to find someone who, even once, did not want to visit this city of art and high fashion at least once. People, cuisine, drinks, catering establishments, motels, squares and parks, theaters, local history – all this is at the highest level in this city. And the architecture impresses with beautiful historic buildings, only Notre – Dame and the Eiffel Tower are worth something! Continue reading

Interesting facts about Peter

May be surprised, but St. Petersburg is a relatively young city. He is only about three centuries old. However, in spite of such a small age for a city, its history is rich and full of interesting stories. There are many stories not only about the city’s history itself, but also about the monuments of St. Petersburg. It is noteworthy that all the buildings that were built in the 19th century, perfectly preserved.
Mixed Petersburg Continue reading

Interesting facts about Kazakhstan

Kazakhstan is a state that does not have a specific territorial affiliation to any continent. This means that most of its territory is in Asia, a smaller part – in Europe. At the same time, Kazakhstan is the ninth in the list of countries of the world by area and belongs to super-large states. But this is only general information, and today I would like to talk about the most unusual facts of this amazing country, if after reading you want to visit Kazakhstan, then first I suggest looking at the catalog of Kazakhstan companies to know in advance where to stop, eat and of course walk. Continue reading