desire is written
Liliput Village in Iran
In a remote corner of the Iranian province of South Khorasan, not far from its border with Afghanistan, there is a village that about a century ago was inhabited by people of very short stature. This is confirmed by local architecture. Of the approximately two hundred stone and earthen houses that make up the settlement, seventy or eighty are very low. These mud houses with a height of less than two meters with narrow doorways, which can not be entered without stooping. In some of these houses, the ceiling height is only 140 cm. Continue reading
Positive and negative aspects of life in the United Arab Emirates
The UAE is one of the richest countries on the planet. According to statistics, 5 million people from this country account for about 60 thousand millionaires. This is quite a lot, considering that only 500 years ago there was no city in this place, but only a desert.
1. Every emigrant in the country has excellent social support. An ordinary state employee receives an average salary of about 10 thousand dollars. Each couple who marries, it turns out from the state 9 thousand dollars and a villa. By the way, if a son is born in a family, then the husband and wife receive 50 thousand dollars. Continue reading
Rare and little-known sights of St. Petersburg
In the cultural capital of Russia there are many streets that are not on any map, the places shrouded in mystery, as well as various architectural monuments, known to all residents of St. Petersburg and Russia as a whole. Today, I would just like to highlight 8 architectural and sculptural masterpieces of the city, which, believe me, not so many people know.
Well, any cultural pastime should correspond and rest in the evening. Therefore, the choice of the hotel must be approached correctly. To rent an apartment in St. Petersburg is better closer to the city center, so that the view from the window would open the city only from the best side, and I can say with confidence that the hotel today is the boutique hotel Zabava on Malaya Monetnaya. Continue reading