Sights of Pyatigorsk
Let's make a little trip to Pyatigorsk? Sights, photos with descriptions and interesting facts of…

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The five best districts of Barcelona
Known for its pride, narcissism and explosive temperament that can amaze and make you fall…

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Sights of the Far East
Mixed oriental culture, amazing virgin nature and the special atmosphere of the “edge of the…

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11 unusual sights of Nizhny Novgorod
Each city of Russia with its unique history has its own special sights - these…


eight thousand

Interesting facts about Paris

Paris has always been and will be a city – a dream. Everything is beautiful and romantic here. There is almost no one in the world to find someone who, even once, did not want to visit this city of art and high fashion at least once. People, cuisine, drinks, catering establishments, motels, squares and parks, theaters, local history – all this is at the highest level in this city. And the architecture impresses with beautiful historic buildings, only Notre – Dame and the Eiffel Tower are worth something! Continue reading

Interesting facts about Georgia

If after reading this article there appears a desire to visit this beautiful country – do not forget to contact the directory of enterprises and organizations of the country, where you can familiarize yourself with the price list for the services of these enterprises.
1. Sakartvelo – the Georgians call their country that way. This word comes from the name of the people who lived in the territory of present-day Georgia – Kartvels. The word “Georgia” came to the Russian language in the XVII-XVIII centuries, from the Arabic “Gurdzhistan”. Continue reading