Interesting facts about Cambodia
Cambodia is a country with a rich history and a difficult fate, located in Southeast…

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Interesting facts about Kirov
We will continue our journey through Russian cities, today we’ve got a selection of interesting…

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Interesting facts about tourism
Each of us at least once in his busy work and everyday life was thinking…

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Why have children better in Miami
Miami was named that way in honor of the Mayaimi Indians living in those parts…


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The most amazing places in Japan

The land of the rising sun is a unique combination of various values ​​of antiquity, honored age-old holy of holies and progressive methods. The Japanese are trembling with their vulgarity, while not stopping and not looking back, they go to meet the future, possessing unique natural phenomena and creative property. Tourists are attracted by the originality and mystery of Japan, the ultra-modern capital and the inimitable volcano Fuji, phenomenal temples and pagodas. Having been here, you will never be able to forget the beauties seen, which have given you unforgettable emotions. Continue reading

Top 10 places not known to all in Kiev

Kiev is one of the most amazing cities, because the long history has made a significant mark. In Kiev, there are many attractions that are known around the world and visited by visitors. But besides this, there are also unknown, but no less beautiful and amazing corners of the Ukrainian capital. These places are not visited by residents of other countries, but because of this they do not become less interesting and sometimes mysterious. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with ten places in Kiev, which you have definitely not heard about. Continue reading