Sights of Karachay-Cherkessia
The ridges of the Greater Caucasus, the Marukh and Klukhorsky passes, the beauty of snowy…

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Top 25 best places in the world to travel
1. Marrakesh in Morocco has become number 1 on the list of the best places…

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Interesting facts about the countries of the world
From this article you will learn which of the countries is the most prosperous, the…

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The most amazing places in Japan
The land of the rising sun is a unique combination of various values ​​of antiquity,…


night in small tents

The most unusual tours of the world

The modern tourist makes special demands on excursion programs. Just walking around the picturesque corners of our planet, listening from year to year the same memorized story about a place, being photographed against the sights and rare exhibits – all this does not arouse enthusiastic interest among travelers. Let’s try together to figure out what kind of excursion tours can diversify our leisure time, fill up personal photo albums and present new, incomparable sensations. Continue reading