Rosa Khutor is the best resort in Russia
Rosa Khutor - resort complex of international class The stunning beauty and diversity of the…

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Interesting facts about tourism
Each of us at least once in his busy work and everyday life was thinking…

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Interesting places in Nizhny Novgorod
There are city stories that are included in all tourist guides, and which even the…

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Rating of the best ski resorts in Europe
Practically all people engage in various sports very closely related to travel. For example -…


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Interesting facts about Barcelona

Barcelona is one of the most famous Spanish cities, which can easily compete with even Madrid. Nevertheless, Barcelona is very different from the capital of the state – a different location, culture and customs. Barcelona is a very attractive place for tourists, despite the fact that the bustling life here is unusual for most foreigners.
1. The population density in the capital of Catalonia is approximately 16 thousand people per square meter. km For example, in Moscow this indicator is much lower, at least 3 times. Continue reading