Fascinating journey around Astana (Kazakhstan)
Astana can be safely called Central Asian Dubai, because that's what they have been called…

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Something interesting about Armenia
Armenia is one of the most ancient states in the world. It is not surprising…

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Sights of Dresden
Dresden is one of the oldest and most beautiful cities in Germany, which is visited…

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Interesting facts about Estonia
Estonia is a country in Northern Europe, most of which has been occupied. Many centuries…


various shows

Rosa Khutor is the best resort in Russia

Rosa Khutor – resort complex of international class
The stunning beauty and diversity of the natural landscapes of this place make Rosa Khutor one of the most attractive places for recreation, both winter and summer. By the 2014 Winter Olympics, a full-fledged, self-sufficient resort and sports complex was built here, equipped at the level of the best world standards. Continue reading

Places in Moscow that may surprise

Many are sure that they know all the remarkable places in Moscow: the Kremlin, Red Square, the Tretyakov Gallery, Arbat and a couple of dozen places popular among tourists. But there are also little-known, moreover, very interesting places that will surprise not only the guests of the city, but also the native Muscovites. But you will need time to visit these places, so remove a hotel room from those that kindly provide the service https://moskva-oteli.ru and, slowly, enjoy the amazing architecture of Moscow.
Places in Moscow that may surprise Continue reading